Womem's Timascus dragons' shape customizable 8mm ring chamfered edge Solid Zirconium Titanium damascus ring 5mm-8mm wide timascus ring, Zirconium Tiranium damascus ring (polished finish)


*New JBlunt Designs Dragons' shape bands. Seen here in Zirconium Titanium damascus Available in both male and female versions. This has a chamfered outer edge aand a recessed center section to withstand the time of wear! During check out list size, maximum of size 12 without the addition odlf the "larger sizes" listing, width of 5-9mm, 5mm shown here. The last few photos shown with the His version as a set. The set is also available.
















Materials: Mokuti, Timascus, Titanium, titanium , Zirconium damascus