  • (Day Spa treatment) -International- Renew your ring here!

(Day Spa treatment) -International- Renew your ring here!


This listing is for those of you that would like to refresh their JBlunt Designs rings that live out of the United States! For rings with precious metals please contact first. I tear each ring down wich means disassembly, re finish with sanding and polish then re heating as needed. With damasteel rings they will be re etched and finished. Then the re assembly of the ring. The ring looks 10x better and feels new again! Their still might be remnants of deep gouges that could not be repaired during the process. Of you have a ring that has more than one piece to it than choose the "multi piece" option and if a single alloy ring than choose "single piece". The turn around from arrival to completion and shipping is 5-10 business days. Mail to :

JBlunt Designs, Inc.

644 Holly Springs Rd.


Holly Springs,

NC 27540

Include : a note with

*clear name

*return address

*day spa purchase order#

*communication on Instagram for refrence photo of the original ring coloration and finish.


Thank you, Josh

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